Personal Information Protection Policy
AZ-COM MARUWA Holdings Group (hereinafter referred to as the "Group") considers it the basis of its business and social responsibility to acknowledge the importance of protecting personal information and appropriately use and protect personal information. It will endeavor to protect personal information based on the following policy.
1. Collection of personal information
The Group will clearly specify the purpose of use of personal information and collect personal information by lawful and fair means.
2. Use of personal information
The Group will use personal information only within the scope of the purposes of use specified at the time of collection. If the Group outsources the handling of personal information, it will conduct a strict investigation of the subcontractor and appropriately supervise the subcontractor to ensure that confidentiality is maintained.
3. Provision of personal information to third parties
The Group will not provide personal information to any third party without the prior consent of the relevant individual unless such provision is required by law.
4. Management of personal information
The Group will maintain the accuracy of personal information and manage it securely. To prevent the loss, destruction, falsification or leakage of personal information, the Group will implement appropriate information security measures against unauthorized access, computer viruses, and other incidents.
5. Presentation, correction, suspension of use, and deletion of personal information
If an individual requests the disclosure, correction, suspension of use, deletion, or the like of their personal information, the Group will meet the request to a reasonable extent for a reasonable period in accordance with the rules. For a disclosure request, the relevant individual is required to submit the form prescribed by the Group and identity verification documents and pay the prescribed fee.
6. Presentation, correction, suspension of use, and deletion of personal information
The Group will comply with applicable laws and regulations, guidelines established by the government, and other rules regarding the handling of personal information.
7. Establishment, implementation, maintenance, and improvement of personal information protection rules
The Group will establish rules related to personal information (including this Policy, the Personal Information Protection Regulations, and other regulations and standards), ensure that the Group's employees and all other related parties are informed of and comply with those rules, and maintain and continuously improve those rules.
Handling of personal information
AZ-COM MARUWA Holdings Group (hereinafter referred to as the "Group") considers it the basis of its business and social responsibility to acknowledge the importance of protecting personal information and appropriately use and protect personal information. It will endeavor to protect personal information based on the following policy.
1. Handling of personal information
The Group manages personal information appropriately and strictly and implements security measures to prevent any unauthorized access to, or loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, or the like of customers' personal information.
2. Purpose of use of personal information
- Delivery of goods to customers in the trucking business, inquiries regarding delivery, and the provision of information on products and services entrusted by the Group's business partners
- Delivery of goods to customers in the consigned freight forwarding business and inquiries regarding delivery
- Dispatch of goods to customers in the business of storing, sorting, inspecting, packing, packaging, and dispatching goods and inquiries regarding dispatching
- Notice to companies accepting dispatched workers under the Worker Dispatching Act in the worker dispatching business
- Other matters for the appropriate and seamless transactions with customers
- Responding to inquiries regarding the handling of personal information
Purpose of use of employees' personal information
- For personnel management, wage management, and benefits
- For business management and internal management
Personal information collected during the recruitment of employees
- Upon recruiting employees, the Group receives the relevant individuals' personal information from recruitment websites to notify applicants or make hiring decisions.
3. Entrustment and provision of customers' personal information
In the transportation business, the Group may entrust customers' personal information to its contractors that can appropriately protect personal information (a confidentiality agreement has been executed with them). In such cases, the Group will appropriately supervise the contractors as needed. The Group will not provide the collected personal information to any third party without the relevant individual's consent unless such provision is required by law.
4. Procedures for responding to disclosure requests, etc.
Upon receiving a customer request for disclosure, correction, or the like regarding the Group's personal information management system, the Group will promptly respond to the request to a reasonable extent.
Personal information held by the Group that may be disclosed includes customer information collected for the purposes of use specified in 2 above, information on persons in charge at the Group's business partners, and the Group's employee information. (The Group cannot meet a request for disclosure or the like of any personal information entrusted to the Group.)
If a customer requests the disclosure, correction, deletion, or the like of their personal information, the Group will investigate the issue without delay and, if such correction or deletion is necessary, will correct or delete the personal information within five business days, in principle.
When requesting the disclosure of personal information, please contact us by phone or email at the contact point specified below.
We will confirm that the person requesting the disclosure is the relevant individual using information known only to the relevant individual.
If an agent makes such a request, please attach a letter of proxy or any other document proving the proxy.
No fee is required for the procedures.
5. External transmission rules
See the 【External Transmission Rules (Japanese) 】 for the external transmission of user information regarding the Group's websites and applications.
6. Contact for inquires on personal information
For complaints, consultation, and requests for disclosure, please contact us by using the inquiry form.
The person making a request for the disclosure of personal information will be required to present an identity verification document, such as a driver's license or a letter of proxy, to prove that the person is the relevant individual or their proxy.
No fee is required.